hello all(i guess), I'm bored right now and I think that writing might be cool now. Nothing much I want to jot today. I'm about to tell you what is T-R-E-N-D.
from www.dictionary.com:
general tendency or direction.
let's forget about the definition, and talk about what is trending now.
1.Facebook: Since I started using facebook, way back when I was in form 2. There were little number of friends of mine that are using it in common. Yes, at that time, you easily make friends out of Malaysia. Mostly, Indonesians. Nowadays, almost zillions of peoples are using it. Tagging here and there. Posting their status that's obviously sucks. "tak boleh study la sebab facebook" is the most used sentence during examination weeks. Clearly, everything's change now.
Give me 5 more months and you'll see everybody will post their link at facebook.
Nothing much I could say here as I'm not using this website. But my friends here in Shah Alam always open this blog.
Where is myspace? blogger? FRIENDSTER? Where is it? I say F you say B. F!!?? youuuu!